Today I found out the my maternal grandmother, Janette, has Leukemia. 5 years ago she was diagnosed with Colo/Rectal Cancer and later Liver Cancer. After some treatments and much medication she went into remission.
In August, the day we found out about Jonathan, we also got a call that Grandma was no longer in remission and had pre-Leukemia. At that point it was decided that if and when her cells took a turn for the worse and went into full Leukemia, she would have 2 weeks to a few months to live.
Tomorrow Zack and Grayson and I are driving to Crescent to spend some time with Gramma and the rest of the family who will be there. She wasn't able to make the drive to Jonathan's memorial so it has been a while since we have seen her. I just wish it were under better circumstances.
I have great memories of being a kid and driving from San Diego to Crescent Oregon and spending weeks and months at my grandmas house. I remember getting sick one summer and having a sore throat. She pulled out a bag of frozen strawberries and I ate those for almost a week! And the whole time I just lay on the couch and she rubbed my back.
I baking cookies with her when I was really little and when my parents got divorced and we lived with her for 5 months she let me bake until my little heart was content all the while cheering on my efforts. Even my random GIANT cookie efforts that really wasted ingredients more than anything else.
I have many fond memories of Gramma Janette. I hope she beats all odds and lives forever. Either way I hope she knows how loved she is.
In August, the day we found out about Jonathan, we also got a call that Grandma was no longer in remission and had pre-Leukemia. At that point it was decided that if and when her cells took a turn for the worse and went into full Leukemia, she would have 2 weeks to a few months to live.
Tomorrow Zack and Grayson and I are driving to Crescent to spend some time with Gramma and the rest of the family who will be there. She wasn't able to make the drive to Jonathan's memorial so it has been a while since we have seen her. I just wish it were under better circumstances.
I have great memories of being a kid and driving from San Diego to Crescent Oregon and spending weeks and months at my grandmas house. I remember getting sick one summer and having a sore throat. She pulled out a bag of frozen strawberries and I ate those for almost a week! And the whole time I just lay on the couch and she rubbed my back.
I baking cookies with her when I was really little and when my parents got divorced and we lived with her for 5 months she let me bake until my little heart was content all the while cheering on my efforts. Even my random GIANT cookie efforts that really wasted ingredients more than anything else.
I have many fond memories of Gramma Janette. I hope she beats all odds and lives forever. Either way I hope she knows how loved she is.

Janette with Jesse James (1987)
Janette with me (1979)
Janette roughly 1978?