Hello everyone that follows this blog.
It has been some time since I have posted here. The last time was to say good bye to my dear Angel Baby Jonathan.
As Jaimey had posted I lost my job on Monday. After a conversation with the consultant that hired me I discovered what I had already known. The company will not be hiring another sales person, and I think that they just did not know what they really wanted to do. I was given a months severance after working for a month. I think that speaks to their guilt for letting me go.
We have received so many caring calls and E-mails and I really appreciate it.
I wanted everyone to know that we will be just fine. Although we have been thru quite a bit over the past few months, we still have much to be great full for. I think that the present state of the economy has caused most people to ponder what is really important in their lives, and our trials combined with this economy has caused us to do the same.
I am not sure what what the future will bring, we may loose our home, we may loose all of our possesions...who really knows these days. All that really matters is that we have a lving family, and our love for eachother has only grown during these very tough times.
I do not know if I am just used to all of the trials, but at some point you just have to lay your head down at night and realise that all you can do is your best every day, and beyond that the rest is out of your control.
Many people have posted regarding our "bad luck" Jaimey and I think about the same thing all of the time. What have we done to deserve such a avalanche of touch breaks? I dont think that we will ever know the answer to that but what I do know is that people are defined not by how well they get thru the easy times, but how well they can overcome the challanges that life puts in front of them.
I guess what I mean to say is that I will never let adversity get me down. I will keep getting up regardless of how many times I get punched in the face. The reason that I wake up in the morning and go to sleep at night is to make the best life for my family that I can. And if Jonathan is looking down right now at me, I want him to know that I would never and will never let the pain of his passing allow me the excuse to give up and stop trying.
Well that is the end of my rant.
Thanks to everyone that takes the time to read this blog, and send Jaimey and I your wishes and love. I am sure that we would not have been able to navigate these rough waters if it were not for your support and love.