Today it was supposed to be horribly rainy and gross so this am after I finally got up (at 10- my hubby says now that I get to sleep in whenever I can on weekends since I am pregnant. Yay!) we went to Plumper Pumpkin Patch. It was dead quiet but we had a good time.
Grayson riding a tractor, not really a ride, the keys were still in it! oops!
Then we came home to have lunch and "attempt" a nap. Didn't happen. He came down after 45 minutes of needing drinks, pooping in his diaper, and fighting cause "its dark"- at noon. Sigh. He came down carrying his clothes from his closet that were to go under his costume.
We got him all dressed and headed to the mall for some trick or treating since it was supposed to rain at trick or treat time.
This is Joe (my friend Diana's brother) he is a very good sport! He was a dragon along with his little one John.
Grayson was very excited to do some trick or treating! Holding his loot bag that I had just made today. Just happened to have some orange Trick or Treat fabric laying around.
After about an hour of candy hunting and Grayson saying "Trick or Treat!" and "Happy Halloween" to all the candy distributors we decided to head home for dinner and to get ready for our next leg of the days adventures.
Grayson was apparently tired by this point. He was out, mid sentence while saying he was thirsty, before he ever took a drink.
REALLY out! I have never seen this child so tired!
He NEVER transfers to the couch, always wakes up immediately!
One might think a nice parent would allow their child to sleep... we aren't nice.
We put him in the car and went to the Harvest Festival.
He finally woke up about 6:20 and was ready to play. There was a ton of games to do and for each he got a piece of candy (or a handful depending on the person manning the booth!)
THEN when we left there we T or T'ed a few neighbors houses (since it hadn't rained in hours!) that we knew and then we were finally done!
This is the loot Grayson got. He was so stoked! I guess its ingrained to come home and lay it all out and count it because that was what he immediately suggested.
Oh, and a funny bit, as we walked around the neighborhood there were some spooky costumes behind us. G kept turning around yelling "Go away MAN, Go away!" When I realized what the costumes were I had to stifle a giggle. It was a tiny kid, HIS size, in one of those masks that fill with blood when you pump the hand ball (like this) Who puts that on their 3 yr old?! The other kid was a very beefed up super hero of some sort I had never seen before. He calmed down when I told him it was just kiddos in costumes like him. But he did glance back a time or two more.